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Conference on Sustainability and Circular Economy at the University Pablo de Olavide

On 24 April, as part of the Recapacicla programme, we held the Technical Conference Connecting Talent with companies in the circular economy and packaging waste management.

Sharing knowledge and commitments

Last Tuesday, COVERPAN, the Seville-based flexible packaging manufacturer, had the honour of participating in a conference dedicated to sustainability and the circular economy at the Pablo de Olavide University. The event brought together various companies committed to caring for the environment, as well as students from careers related to nutrition and environmental sciences.

Circular Commitment

The aim of this activity was to make students aware of the existence of companies such as COVERPAN that are actively committed to sustainability and the circular economy. In addition, the aim was to provide a space for these companies to share their experiences and knowledge, and for young talents to lose their fear of presenting themselves and being known.

Round Table: "Green Skills in Demand"

In the first block of the day, a round table discussion entitled “Green Skills Most in Demand” was held. The speakers included experts in sustainability and climate change:

Javier Postigo Moya, Business Development Consultant at Ecoterrae, shared his vision on the skills needed to address environmental challenges.

Mónica Villoslada Valbuena, Predoctoral Researcher at CSIC, presented the REMONDA project, highlighting the importance of research in sustainability as a method of exploiting orange peel for new uses.

Emilio Solis Bueno, from BlendHub, spoke about the ImpacTaste project, a platform that helps to turn ideas into concrete actions.

Sustainable companies sharing experiences

In the first block of the day we had the opportunity to meet Javier Postigo from Ecoterrae, a company specialising in sustainability and climate change. We also had the opportunity to learn about innovative projects such as REMONDA, a promising challenge that seeks to transform the more than 5 tons of oranges that the city of Seville generates each year into biomaterials.

In the second block, three companies based in Seville, but with national and international reach, presented their commitments to sustainability and their interest in providing job opportunities for talented young people. Among the speakers was Víctor Laso, Production and Improvement Engineer at Verallia Spain S.A., who shared his company’s initiatives to attract and recruit new talent within a world-leading glass container manufacturing company. Next, Ana Llopis, Executive President of the Llopis Group, highlighted the importance of the vision, mission and values of companies committed to sustainability, and how we must raise awareness throughout the value chain in the management of waste collection as a starting point for the circular economy. And finally came the intervention of Francisco Menchén, managing director of Coverpan S.L., who shared the focus of his products in the circular economy, with the aim of raising awareness and sensitising students to consider more environmentally friendly alternatives in the field of packaging.

Student participation

The event was attended by university students from different disciplines, including students from environmental science and nutrition, among others.

Four students had the opportunity to present their profiles for a few minutes and receive individual feedback from the speakers. In addition to overcoming fear, this feedback generated a very valuable learning environment for these promising young people and encourages interaction between these future professionals and companies committed to sustainability.

It has been a pleasure for Coverpan to participate in this initiative. 

We congratulate Lourdes Moya and the whole team of the Employability and Entrepreneurship Area of the Pablo de Olavide University Foundation for the initiative and the organisation of the event. As we said, we are at your disposal for any similar initiative.

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